MYC was lucky to have two guest speakers at this month’s Full Youth Council meeting in Geoff Waters and Councillor Khan.
Geoff Waters, Events and Social Secretary at the Medway Rotary Club spoke to members about the important work that Rotary are doing around the community including the success of this year’s Young Chef, Youth Speaks, Santa Fun Run and the Young Musician category. Geoff also spoke to the Youth Council about the work that local clubs are doing overseas, including in India, where they are currently fundraising £10,000 to fund a new eye hospital.
Cllr Naushabah Khan also spoke at this month’s meeting, talking to our members about the work that councillors do in the community and the impact that they have on local people. Members were given the opportunity to ask Cllr Khan about the work that she has carried out in the community and how in the future they could run for election.
The meeting also heard updates from all of our campaign groups about the work that they are doing, and from our Health and Partnerships Directors who are working closely to ensure young people’s voices are heard.
Three new members also joined the Youth Council and we were delighted to welcome them to the MYC family.